Polymorphism (OOPS Principal): Poly + Morphism (Poly means Many and Morphism means change or faces/ behaviors)
Definition: Object changes behavior according to the condition. (one name having multiple forms)
There are two types:
1) Static or compile-time Polymorphism (eg: Method overloading, operator overloading)
2) Dynamic or run-time Polymorphism (eg: overriding using virtual and override keywords with inheritance)
Static Polymorphism: or Method Overloading
Definition: Object changes behavior according to the condition. (one name having multiple forms)
There are two types:
1) Static or compile-time Polymorphism (eg: Method overloading, operator overloading)
2) Dynamic or run-time Polymorphism (eg: overriding using virtual and override keywords with inheritance)
Static Polymorphism: or Method Overloading
Example : (at compile-time, the compiler decides which method to call)
class Program
{ static void Main(string[] args) { Mathematics mathObj = new Mathematics(); mathObj.Add(1,2); mathObj.Add(1,2,3); Console.ReadLine(); } } class Mathematics { public void Add(int value1, int value2) { Int result = value1 + value2; Console.Writeline(result); } public void Add(int value1, int value2, int value3) { Int result = value1 + value2 + value3; Console.WriteLine(result); } } Dynamic Polymorphism: (Inheritance, Virtual and Overriding)
Example: (at run-time, the compiler will decide which method to call)
class Program
{ static void Main(string[] args) {
// if we have one parent class with so many child classes, at runtime parent // class instance can call or point to any of the child class override mathod.
BaseClass obj = new ChildClass();
// parent class can now point to the child class
obj.Test(); } } class BaseClass { public virtual void Test() { Console.Writeline("BaseClass Method"); } } class ChildClass : BaseClass { public override void Test() { Console.Writeline("ChildClass Method"); } }
Reference: csharpcorner & Questpond
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